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    Local SEO

    • Set up Google My Business 

    • Submit on Bing webmaster tools

    • Set up Google Analytics and Google Search Console

    • Submit your site sitemap

    • Local Citation on top 50+ sites

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    Keyword Research and Mapping

    • Identify your Competitors

    • Find your target customers

    • Find out your money keywords and search intents

    • Create a keyword map

    • Analyze the intent of the pages that rank

    • Find out keyword trends

    • Low Hanging Keywords
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    On-Page SEO

    • Content Creation

    • Optimize your title tags and meta description

    • Find and fix duplicate meta descriptions

    • Find and Fix multiple H1 tags

    • Improve your page content 

    • Improve internal linking

    • Optimize Images

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    Off-Page SEO

    • Analyze your competitor's link profile
    • Reverse Engineering
    • Link gap analysis
    • Local Citations 
    • Turn unlink mentions into the link
    • Find new link-building opportunities
    • Broken link building
    • HARO pitch and outreach
i list - SEO Expert in Nepal