Anup Joshi


We provide the best SEO services in Nepal and are committed to helping you rank higher on search engines. We offer a wide range of services that will help improve your site’s visibility, bringing relevant organic traffic straight to you.


We understand the importance of business online presence in today’s world, that is why we offer a wide range of SEO services to improve your website rankings and bring you more organic traffic.


It’s easy to expand your business by making it digital, and we value every single one of our clients. We assure you that with the help of SEO services from us, organic traffic will flood towards your website bringing in more revenue than ever before!

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SEO Consultation Service

The SEO consultation services that I offer will help your company skyrocket.

The SEO consulting service is the best way to get in front of potential customers who are looking for what you have to offer, and with our Team of SEO professionals on board there’s no limit as to how high you can soar! 

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    Local SEO

    • Set up Google My Business 

    • Submit on Bing webmaster tools

    • Set up Google Analytics and Google Search Console

    • Submit your site sitemap

    • Local Citation on top 50+ sites

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    Keyword Research and Mapping

    • Identify your Competitors

    • Find your target customers

    • Find out your money keywords and search intents

    • Create a keyword map

    • Analyze the intent of the pages that rank

    • Find out keyword trends

    • Low Hanging Keywords
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    On-Page SEO

    • Content Creation

    • Optimize your title tags and meta description

    • Find and fix duplicate meta descriptions

    • Find and Fix multiple H1 tags

    • Improve your page content 

    • Improve internal linking

    • Optimize Images

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    Off-Page SEO

    • Analyze your competitor's link profile
    • Reverse Engineering
    • Link gap analysis
    • Local Citations 
    • Turn unlink mentions into the link
    • Find new link-building opportunities
    • Broken link building
    • HARO pitch and outreach


It's hard not to love WordPress these days! It allows us a lot of creative freedom when designing websites and blogs that are beautiful as well as functional – all while being easy on our wallets too.

It is the most popular content management system in the world. It has been around since 2003 and currently powers over 25% of all websites on internet today!

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Want to know how I work?

I have helped many organizations and businesses to rank higher in SERP,  grow their Domain Authority, Page Authority and Rankings. 
Get a full SEO plan that suits your business

Find Me at My Location in Kathmandu, Nepal