Case Study: Achieving Top Rankings in a Competitive Niche with SEO


In the digital age, businesses of all sizes are turning to the internet to promote their products and services and reach a wider audience. Search engine optimization (SEO) is an essential part of any digital marketing strategy, as it helps to improve a website’s visibility and rankings on search engines like Google. In this case study, we’ll explore how a business based in the USA was able to achieve top rankings in a competitive niche within just three months, using a combination of content gap analysis, link gap analysis, and reverse engineering.


The client, a business based in the USA, operates in a highly competitive niche where an aged domain had long dominated the ranking for a specific keyword. Despite investing in SEO and digital marketing, the client had not seen any significant improvements in their website’s search engine rankings. They turned to our agency for help in improving their search engine visibility and increasing their online presence.


To improve the client’s search engine rankings, we used a combination of content gap analysis, link gap analysis, and reverse engineering. Our first step was to perform a content gap analysis to identify any missing or underperforming content on the client’s website. We then performed a link gap analysis to identify any missing or underperforming backlinks. Using this data, we were able to create a strategy to fill the gaps and improve the client’s website’s search engine rankings.


We began by implementing a reverse engineering process to identify the strategies and techniques used by the aged domain that dominated the ranking of the keyword. We then used this information to create new, high-quality content that would be more relevant and engaging for the target audience. We also improved the client’s internal linking structure, using a reverse SILO strategy to ensure that all of the website’s pages were properly linked and easy to navigate. Additionally, we fixed any technical issues, such as keyword cannibalization, by redirecting pages and improving internal linking.


After just three months, the client’s website had improved its ranking in the prioritized keyword and had seen an increase in impressions and clicks. The client was thrilled with the results and achieved the visibility they needed to reach a wider audience and grow their business.

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Key takeaways:

  • Content gap analysis and link gap analysis are essential tools for identifying missing or underperforming content and backlinks.
  • Reverse engineering can be used to identify the strategies and techniques used by competitors and create a strategy to fill the gaps.
  • Fixing technical issues like keyword cannibalization and improving internal linking can help to improve search engine rankings.
  • With the right approach, achieving top rankings in a competitive niche and growing a business is possible.
  • Even though the aged domain had a strong presence, our strategy was to not copy the competitors but to identify the gaps and improve upon it, hence we performed content and link gap analysis.
  • By improving the client’s internal linking structure, we ensured that all pages on the website were properly linked, making it easy for the search engine crawlers to access and index the website’s content.
  • By redirecting pages and fixing technical issues, we were able to improve the client’s search engine rankings and increase their online visibility.
  • By achieving top rankings in the client’s prioritized keyword, the client was able to reach a wider audience and grow their business.

Overall, this case study demonstrates the importance of using a data-driven approach to SEO and digital marketing. By identifying gaps in the client’s website’s content and backlinks and using reverse engineering to improve upon the competitor’s strategies, we achieved top rankings in a competitive niche and help the client grow their business. This case study can guide other businesses looking to improve their search engine visibility and reach a wider audience.


  • Regularly perform content and link gap analysis to identify missing or underperforming content and backlinks.
  • Use reverse engineering to identify competitor’s strategies and techniques and improve upon them.
  • Fix any technical issues and improve internal linking to improve search engine rankings.
  • Monitor and track the progress and make necessary changes to the strategy to achieve the desired results.
  • Don’t copy competitors, identify gaps and improve upon them.


In conclusion, this case study serves as a reminder that businesses can achieve top rankings in a competitive niche and grow with the right strategy, tools, and approach. By regularly monitoring and tracking progress, businesses can ensure that their SEO and digital marketing efforts are effective and continue to drive results.

This case study demonstrates that with the right strategy and approach, it is possible to achieve top rankings in a competitive niche, even when an aged domain dominates the search engine rankings. By using a combination of content gap analysis, link gap analysis, and reverse engineering, we were able to improve the client’s search engine rankings, increase their online visibility, and grow their business.

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Anup Joshi
Hello, I am a digital marketing analyst and an SEO practitioner. I love to work and talk about digital marketing and its recent trends. Feel free to catch me any time if you need digital marketing services, especially SEO, no matter from which part of the globe you belong.
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